Links for Parallel Computing

[Repositories/Link Collections] * [Conferences] * [Research Groups]
[Distributed Scientific Computing] * [Distributed Arrays / Structured Grids]
[Distributed Unstructured Grids] * [General Distributed Data Structures]
[Parallel Programming Paradigms] * [Hardware, Tools and Communication Libs]

This collection is rather subjective and by no means a comprehensive compilation of research activities (which would be hopeless, anyhow). In particular, the choice is somewhat slanted towards the needs of Scientific Computing, and in particular numerical PDE solution; that is, focus is slightly more on data parallelism than on task parallelism, and in particular, in distributed grid data structures.
Descriptions of packages and projects in blockquotes are generally taken from the pages themselves.
Comments, corrections and suggestions for additions are always welcome.

Parallel Computing Repositories


Parallel Computing Research Groups

Distributed Scientific Computing Projects

Distributed Arrays and Structured Grids

Distributed (Unstructured) Grids

Distributed Data Structures

Parallel Programming Paradigms

Parallel Hardware, Tools and Message-Passing Libraries

Guntram Berti
Last modified: Wed Sep 20 18:23:28 MET DST 2000