Fortgeschrittene Methoden der Softwaretechnik
Informatik Bachelor 6. Semester (Modul 12317)
Informatik Master
Informations- und Medientechnik Bachelor 6. Semester
Informations- und Medientechnik Master
Angewandte Mathematik Master
Modul 12462 Seminar
Modul 12317 Seminar
Modul 12463 Seminar
Current advanced methods and tools for analysis and design, implementation, maintenance and quality assurance of software systems.
Learning Outcomes
After successfully completing the module, students have acquired specialized knowledge in current advanced methods for software engineering. They are able to independently develop and present specialized knowledge (either theoretical, or more application-oriented) for some current advanced method in software engineering.
Assessment Mode for Module Examination
Active participation (in the form of e.g. asking questions, giving feedback, and participating in group discussions) during individual as well as group appointments is required. The grade for this seminar is composed from the presentation (80%) of a selected topic related to the seminar contents and from a post-processing (20%) of this presentation, reflecting on questions and comments in the open discussion after the presentation, and summarized into a reflection document. Both parts must be passed.
Recommended Prerequisites Knowledge of the topics of modules
• 12101: Algorithmieren und Programmieren
• 12104: Entwicklung von Softwaresystemen
• 12202: Softwarepraktikum
• 11289: Softwaretechnik

Teaching Materials and Literature
Announcement in the course
Lehrstuhl Softwaresystemtechnik
Institut für Informatik