Guntram Berti's Research

A major line of resarch is the investigation of a generic programming approach to software for Scientific Computing. My work focusses in particular on the connection between grid data structures and algorithms working on grids, like numerical FEM/FV discretizations, visualization, grid generation and grid partitioning. For this end, I developed a micro-kernel capturing the essentials of grid representation functionality. This kernel allows formulation of algorithms in a way independent of the concrete type of the grid, without compromising efficiency substantially.
This approach promises a substantial gain of algorithm reuse. Grid structures also serve as a natural starting point distributed data components which support the development of parallel numerical software.
My dissertation discusses these points in more detail.
You can also find some related papers on my publications page .
The work mentioned above has led to the generic grid library GrAL which is prepared for public release.

Somewhat secondary at the moment, I am also interested in bridging the gap between geometric modeling and grid generation for numerical simulation, especially in modeling with levelsets (implicit functions) and the possibilities for deducing a geometric partition from an implicit representation.

Some links to web sites with related information:

To Guntram Berti's homepage
To Numerical Mathematics & Scientific Computing
Guntram Berti
Last modified: Tue Sep 26 17:40:35 MET DST 2000